Le tecnologie 'morali' emergenti e le sfide etico-giuridiche delle nuove soggettività

03/05/2020 | Lettura della settimana

This book collects essays by experts of different disciplines dealing with frontier issues in Bioethics and Biolaw at the core of the European institutional debate: ranging from, albeit not limited to, human enhancement, robotics, artificial intelligence, to dual-use technology.
The diversity of topics and of methodological approaches provides a general overview of the relevant implications of advances in technology and science following a cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary perspective.
The topics are being discussed during the ERASMUS+ JEAN MONNET MODULE entitled Emerging ‘moral’ technologies and the ethical-legal challenges of new subjectivities (MoTecLS), co-financed by the European Union at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Leggi la scheda del libro

Editore: Torino, Giappichelli
A cura di Silvia Salardi, Michele Saporiti
Formato eBook
ISBN: 9788892186569
Anno di pubblicazione 2020
